Will other courts follow?

Ian Best, who recently graduated from law school at Ohio State University, compiled a list of American court cases that cited legal blogs. He has listed the cases, and then hyperlinked each case to an excerpt which contains the blog citation. Furthermore, he has made the blog citations “active” by linking them back to their original online source.

Will more courts be willing to cite to blogs? I am not aware of any court cases in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba that have cited legal blogs. If you do, please let me know, preferably with the case citations and the name of the blogs.

Compared to US court decisions, the decisions of most Dutch and Dutch Caribbean judges are a bit dry to read and if they do cite anything else than papers filed or witnesses heard, it is only one or several precedents. They almost never cite publications and I guess there are not many judges reading legal blogs.

Karel Frielink
Attorney (Lawyer) / Partner

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