Shareholders may inspect the register

Every shareholder of a Netherlands Antilles NV or BV may inspect the register of the company regarding the shares held by them. The articles of association of a particular company may confer the right for inspection on others. In most cases a shareholder may however only inspect the register of the company in so far as the shares held by him are concerned.

Shareholders, who alone or jointly with other shareholders, may cast at least ten percent of the votes with regards to a specific matter, may request in writing that the management or supervisory board of an NV convene a general meeting to consider and to decide on such a matter, provided they have a reasonable interest therein. Each shareholder of a BV who has a right to vote may request the same. If the management or supervisory board does not comply with such a request within fourteen days (seven days in case of a BV) from the date on which the request was received by the company or the corporate body concerned, the petitioners may themselves proceed to convene a meeting. For such purposes the management must allow the petitioners the right to inspect the register of the company.

Karel Frielink
Attorney (Lawyer) / Partner


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