Do you believe?
Do you believe in Curacao? SI
Do you believe Curacao still has a chance to improve? SI
Do you believe we should live in peace and harmony? SI
Do you believe the future is more important than the past? SI
Do you want the best for your children? SI
Do you believe in law, order and stability? SI
Do you believe in a partnership with the Netherlands? SI
Do you believe the Netherlands should show more compassion? SI
Do you believe the opposition is hurting Curacao? SI
Do you believe the referendum should be about issues not personalities? SI
Do you believe that debts should be settled? SI
Do you believe in change? SI
Do you believe we should act together to solve our problems? SI
Do you believe that “SI” provides a better future for Curacao? SI
“SI” is the answer for young and old, rich and poor, Hindu, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, black, white, born on Curacao or elsewhere. “SI” unites people of quite different cultural and religious backgrounds. “SI” is the future. “SI” is the message of hope. Vota “SI” !