General requirements on the business operation

Regulatory legislation in Curacao does not distinguish between different kinds of products, such as for instance hedge funds, but is of a more general nature. The regulatory legislation of Curacao applicable to financial institutions is divided into four categories being: credit institutions, institutional investors, investment institutions & administrators and trust service providers.

The authority entrusted with the supervision on the financial institutions mentioned above is the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten.

The regulatory legislation does provide for general requirements on the business operation of the financial institutes involved. The National Ordinance on the Supervision of Investment Institutions and Administators (Landsverordening regelende het toezicht op beleggingsinstellingen en administrateurs; “NOSIIA”) for instance provides for a regime of supervision for investment institutions and administrators with the objective of an adequate operation of the financial markets and the protection of investors in such markets.

With regard to the business operation of a local fund that operates within the scope of the NOSIIA it provides for requirements applicable to the organizational and legal structure as expressed in the fund’s constitutive documents. Such requirements address the conditions of management of the fund and safekeeping of the fund’s assets.

Karel Frielink
Attorney (Lawyer) / Partner

(12 March 2012)


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