Instalashon di Konseho Kultural Kòrsou
WILLEMSTAD- Konseho di Minister den su reunion di 7 di òktober 2020, a bai di akuerdo pa nombra 10 miembro di Konseho Kultural Kòrsou. E Konseho Kultural tin komo meta pa konsehá Gobièrnu den e sentido mas amplio di palabra pa ku área kultural di nos pais. Asina nan ta kontribuí ku konseho komo eksperto i profeshonal pa promové i stimulá e koperashon entre e aktornan di diferente ekspreshon kultural di Kòrsou.
Dia 8 di òktober último a tuma lugá instalashon di e miembronan di Konseho Kultural Kòrsou. E miembronan ta:
Ir. Michael A. Newton (Presidente)
Roland (Roy) Colastica
Prof. Dr. Ashley Duits
Sharelly Emanuelson MA Artistic Research
Drs. Hereswit Verele Engels
Mr. Karel Frielink
Drs. Shulaika (Su) Girigorie
Drs. Carel de Haseth
Andrey Pichardo MBA
Raygen Zuiverloon
Na aña 1977 a kambia e nòmber di Culturele Adviesraad den Konseho Kultural Kòrsou. A instalá Culturele Adviesraad Curaçao den aña 1968 pa e aktual Bestuurscollege. Konseho Kultural Kòrsou tabata e órgano enkargá prinsipalmente ku supervishon i hurado pa e Premio Cola Debrot. Tambe Konseho Kultural Kòrsou a emití diferente konseho na Gobièrnu riba tereno kultural durante último añanan. Mirando e último desaroyonan riba tereno kultural, Konseho Kultural Kòrsou a hasi un petishon na Gobièrnu pa amplia su tareanan i Gobièrnu di Kòrsou a honra e petishon aki.
Konseho Kultural Kòrsou a haña komo tareanan adishonal:
- Duna Konseho na Gobièrnu solisitá i no solisitá ku respekto na tur aspekto di kultura den e sentido mas amplio di palabra i ku ta konserní tur asuntu kultural;
- Señalá desaroyo importante riba tereno kultural;
- Kumpli ku e funshon fundamental pa ta e laso entre e diferente disiplina kultural i aktua komo plataforma pa e sektor kultural di nos isla;
- Kontribuí na e maneho kultural di Gobièrnu i promové i stimulá e koperashon entre e aktornan di diferente ekspreshon kultural di Kòrsou;
- Konsehá Gobièrnu en kuantu nominashon ganadónan Premio Cola Debrot, Premio Willem C.J. (Boeli) van Leeuwen i Premio Charlwin (Broertje) Marshall.
Por tuma kontakto ku Konseho Kultural Kòrsou via di e presidente ku ta sr. Michael Newton na michael@newton.cw òf telefon 510-6978.
Komunikado di prensa Ministerio Enseñansa, Siensia, Kultura & Deporte di Kòrsou
Installation Cultural Advisory Council Curaçao
WILLEMSTAD – The Council of Minister in its meeting of 7 October agreed to appoint 10 members to the Curaçao Cultural Advisory Council (Konseho Kultural Kòrsou). The objective of this Cultural Advisory Council is to advise the Government in the broad field of culture in Curaçao. As professionals in the field, they will contribute as a broad cultural platform that maintains contact with representatives of the different cultural disciplines in the field.
On October 8, 2020, the new Council was officially established by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports (OWCS), Premier Eugene Ruggenaath. The appointed members of the Konseho Kultural Kòrsou are:
Ir. Michael A. Newton (Chairman)
Roland (Roy) Colastica
Prof. Dr. Ashley Duits
Sharelly Emanuelson MA Artistic Research
Drs. Hereswit Verele Engels
Mr. Karel Frielink
Drs. Shulaika (Su) Girigorie
Drs. Carel de Haseth
Andrey Pichardo MBA
Raygen Zuiverloon
The Curaçao Cultural Advisory Council was established in 1968 by the then Executive Council. In 1977 the name was changed to Konseho Kultural Kòrsou. Although advice has been issued in the past in the field of culture, the Board has mainly concerned itself with the task of preparing an annual nomination for the prestigious Cola Debrot Prize, the culture prize of the Curaçao government.
In order to contribute to a more structural cultural policy, the Konseho Kultural Kòrsou made a proposal to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport a few years ago to expand the tasks of the council. In this way, the latter can provide solicited and unsolicited independent advice to the Minister in the broad field of culture in Curaçao. The Government agreed to this request in 2019.
My membership of the Advisory Council expired on July 26, 2022.