A majority voted against ratification of the agreement with The Netherlands, which agreement would have given Curacao an autonomous status within the Kingdom of The Netherlands

On 28 November 2006, a majority of the Curacao politicians voted against the agreement (‘slotverklaring’) with The Netherlands which was entered into on 2 November 2006. A historical mistake!

The result: all the islands of the Netherlands Antilles have an agreement with the Netherlands, except for Curacao. This is bad news for the people of Curacao and the generations to come, very bad news. There is now a risk of financial chaos given Curacao’s debt of ANG 2.5 billion. The Dutch government has agreed to absorb 80% of the debt of the Netherlands Antilles in the amount of EUR 2.4 billion, provided the agreement would be ratified. This astronomical debt is the result of wasteful spending by the Netherlands Antilles politicians over the past couple of decades. Thanks to the politicians the social climate is to worsen too.

It is expected that in The Netherlands a center-left coalition will replace the current government within a couple of months. Some believe that the new government will be prepared to re-negotiate the agreement, but that’s not very likely. Especially left-wing parties shall focus on the interests of the people, not those of the politicians.

Pueblo habri bo wowo!!!

The Curacao people should now be given the opportunity to cast their vote in a referendum, but it is unclear whether the politicians have the guts to do that. We, the people, should have the final vote! There is damage control to be done.

The agreement is not in violation with any international treaty, convention or charter. Also, the agreement is not in violation with the Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The agreement, in legal terms, is valid. I know that there are people defending a different position, but they should stop throwing dust in the eyes of the Curacao people.

Furthermore, the agreement is fully in line with the 2005 referendum held on Curacao, despite what several politicians wants us to believe. In general we know how self-centered (some) politicians can be, but it does not happen often that they so publicly vote in favor of their personal interests instead of voting in favor of the people and their future. The future of Curacao and its people is too important to be left to politicians only.

Karel Frielink


  1. […] The moment the Curacao politicians stop playing their games (click here), Curacao can become an autonomous island within the Kingdom of the Netherlands too. […]