Already an increase in cybercrime
Every (major) disaster offers opportunities to criminals. The outbreak of Covid-19 has already resulted in increased levels of fraud such as cybercrime (for instance phishing scams, online payment fraud and online identity theft). Interpol is seeing an increase in counterfeit medical products, fraud and cybercrime. Although in most countries the courts will be available to handle emergency cases (including criminal cases), detecting and bringing criminals to justice has become more difficult. Incidentally, hate crimes are also on the rise.
There is every reason to be vigilant now. Because many people work from home, there is …
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Curacao law follows the incorporation theory
Proxy voting allows shareholders to vote when they cannot attend (or do not wat to attend) a shareholder meeting. What law applies to such a proxy to vote?
The 1978 Convention on the Law applicable to Agency (Verdrag betreffende het toepasselijke recht op vertegenwoordiging 1978) does not apply to Curacao. The question of the law applicable to a power of attorney with respect to the voting rights on shares must be answered on the basis of Curacao’s private international law on legal entities.
Curacao law follows the incorporation theory (incorporatieleer), which means that a …
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Karel Frielink ranked Band 1 for the 11th time
Once again, I have been selected as a ranked lawyer in Chambers Global 2020 identifying me as one of the best lawyers in the Dutch Caribbean.
The Chambers Guides have been ranking the best law firms and lawyers since 1990, and now covers over 190 jurisdictions throughout the world. Chambers ranks lawyers and law firms on several factors and considerations, all of which are investigated by their large team of more than 200 researchers. Today, Chambers and Partners released the 2020 edition, also covering the Dutch Caribbean.
Chambers and Partners: “Curaçao-based …
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Speech Mr. Karel Frielink – Dean of the Consular Corps of Curaçao
New Year’s Cocktail Party in honor of the Consular Representatives in Willemstadhosted by Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath 14 January 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Protocol has been observed.
First of all, I would like to thank the Prime Minister for again hosting the annual cocktail party for consular representatives. Last year I mentioned in my speech that traditions cannot exist without a driving force. Traditions matter when they relate to important human values, such as integrity and selflessness. Traditions provide context for thoughtful reflection. But the tradition …
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Soms kan een bestuurder zich disculperen
Elke bestuurder is tegenover de rechtspersoon gehouden tot een behoorlijke vervulling van zijn taak. Deze inspanningsverbintenis is in het kader van de interne aansprakelijkheid – dus van de bestuurder jegens de rechtspersoon – de centrale gedragsnorm voor bestuurders, waaraan hun doen en laten kan worden getoetst. Dat sprake moet zijn van een behoorlijke taakvervulling betekent dat aan een bestuurder de eis wordt gesteld dat hij beschikt over het inzicht en de zorgvuldigheid die mogen worden verwacht van een bestuurder die voor zijn taak berekend is en deze nauwgezet vervult; er wordt ook wel over …
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Address by His Excellency, Mr. Eugene Rhuggenaath, Prime Minister of Curaçao
With all protocol observed…
It is with somewhat of a mixed feeling that I address you today. On the one hand we are all saddened by the fact that Mr. Karel Frielink is stepping down as Dean of the Consular Corps of Curaçao after doing a splendid job these last three terms, in a way that only Karel can; he not only united the Consular Corps but actively encouraged the involvement of the Consular Corps with our population in general and our youth in particular.
This speech contest is …
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Speech Mr. Karel Frielink – Dean of the Consular Corps of Curaçao
Ladies & Gentlemen!
With all protocol observed… Firstly, greetings to all of you gathered here today.
This is my last speech as Dean of the Curacao Consular Corps. In January 2020, the members will choose my successor. After having served three terms as Dean, it is time for a new face.
Ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of the Consular Corps of Curaçao, it is an honor to address you all on the celebration of the seventy-fourth anniversary of the United Nations.
In the past months we welcomed new …
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Hoe verhouden het kerkelijk recht en het arbeidsrecht zich tot elkaar?
In zijn uitspaak van 4 oktober 2019 (ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1531) heeft de Hoge Raad overwogen dat kerkgenootschappen worden geregeerd door hun eigen statuut, voor zover dit niet in strijd is met de wet. Deze bepaling berust op het beginsel van de scheiding tussen kerk en staat. Wat in een concreet geval behoort tot het statuut van een kerkgenootschap, hangt af van de omstandigheden van het geval. In het algemeen behoren daartoe regelingen over de organisatiestructuur en het interne functioneren van het kerkgenootschap, waaronder regels over het bestuur van het kerkgenootschap en …
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Never a dull moment
In St. Maarten there is again a lot of discussion about political developments, but also about constitutional law. I will answer some frequently asked questions here. Of course, I didn’t come up with all the answers myself. At the bottom of this text the most important source is mentioned.
Can parliament fall? Can parliament have an outgoing status? The answer is no. If parliament is dissolved, it remains fully empowered. The dissolution becomes effective on the date on which the newly elected parliament meets (Section 59(3) Constitution). Professor Van Rijn and professor Rogier are also of …
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12 September 1989 – 12 September 2019
On 12 September 1989, Mr. Karel Frielink appeared at a public hearing of the District Court of Amsterdam. On the Public Prosecutor’s demand, he made the pledge necessary to become an attorney.
And then suddenly, I was an attorney. I can’t get rid of my past of course. But as long as I myself have the feeling that I can achieve something positive with this profession (also), I will continue to practice it.
30 jaar advocaat
Op 12 september 1989 verscheen ter openbare terechtzitting van de Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam, de heer Karel Frielink, die op …
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Wetswijziging per 1 juli 2019
Met ingang van 1 juli 2019 is Boek 2 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek van de BES-eilanden op onderdelen gewijzigd. Zie in het bijzonder de artikelen 2:104, 2:105 en 2:114a BW-BES. Aandelen aan toonder worden volledig afgeschaft; in Nederland, waar de wet ook is gewijzigd, is – anders dan op de BES-eilanden – een uitzondering gemaakt voor girale aandelen aan toonder.
Het gevolg van de wetswijziging is dat alleen nog maar aandelen op naam in een naamloze vennootschap (NV) kunnen worden gehouden. De NV is verplicht om door middel van een wijziging van …
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Legislative amendment as of 1 July 2019
With effect from 1 July 2019, Book 2 of the Civil Code of the BES islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) has been partially amended. Bearer shares will be completely abolished; in the Netherlands, where the law has also been amended, an exception has been made for “book entry” (girale) bearer shares, unlike on the BES islands.
The consequence of the amendment of the law is that only registered shares can be held in a public limited liability company (NV). The NV is under an obligation to convert bearer shares into registered shares …
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