Limited to the parties involved in the proceedings
Court decisions, even decisions by the Dutch Supreme Court, are not binding on courts when deciding future cases. However, the Code of Civil Procedure prevents parties from litigating twice on the same legal issue. The principle that a final judgment of a competent court is conclusive upon the parties in any subsequent litigation involving the same cause of action is known as ‘res judicata ’.
A Dutch court case is described below illustrating this principle: Utrecht District Court of 19 March 2009 (NJF 2009/291).
In initial litigation, the claimant had sought payment …
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A criminal act
With regard to anti-corruption the Criminal Codes of Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten and the BES-islands include criminal acts such as fraud, bribery and abuse of authorities. The bribery offence closely resembles the bribery provisions under the Dutch Criminal Code. The Codes also stipulate regulations on criminal acts committed by judges, ministers, members of Parliament and civil servants. Amendments were introduced to the Criminal Code specifically to implement the Anti-Bribery Convention. The bribery offences in the Criminal Codes mirror very closely those in the Dutch Criminal Code.
The relevant anti-bribery provisions are integrated in the Dutch Caribbean Criminal …
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Commissie presenteert voorstel
De (Nederlandse) Monitoring Commissie Corporate Governance Code heeft vandaag een zogeheten consultatiedocument gepresenteerd. Daarin staan voorstellen voor herziening van de Nederlandse corporate governance code.
Alle belanghebbenden en geïnteresseerden worden uitgenodigd om een reactie uit te brengen op dit consultatiedocument en deel te nemen aan het publieke debat omtrent de herziening van de Code. Het doel is om met de verkregen input en bevindingen uit de consultatiefase te komen tot een herziening van de Code.
Kennisneming van de voorstellen (dat kan door hier te klikken) kan ook voor de discussies in Aruba, Curaçao en St. …
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More Trade Transparency Units Needed
Smuggling and trade fraud are on the rise, according to Viêt Nam News (27 October 2015). The Telegraph reports that the authorities in China have arrested 21 people on suspicion of defrauding almost one million Chinese investors of 50bn yuan (£5.3 billion) after an online peer-to-peer lender turned out to be a giant Ponzi scheme (1 February 2016). Money laundering and fraud seem to be on the increase. Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) is one of the big threats facing us today.
According to Premium Times (21 December 2015; Read the rest »
Creditors, stay alert!
Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten and the BES-islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba) will together be referred to as the Dutch Caribbean, although each has its own set of laws.
Bankruptcy in general serves the purpose of liquidating assets of a particular person or legal entity and distributing the proceeds among the combined creditors. Sometimes, several companies belonging to one and the same group of companies go bankrupt. In principle, the trustee in bankruptcy has to administer and liquidate the assets of each of the bankrupt estates individually.
When multiple companies of the same group go bankrupt, it …
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Only for matters evident from the accounts
The shareholders of a Dutch Caribbean limited liability company (NV or BV) may provide a discharge (décharge) to members of the management board for matters evident from the annual accounts, or matters otherwise made known to the general shareholders meeting. This is a standard item on the agenda for shareholders meetings at which a company’s annual accounts are adopted.
The aim of this discharge is that the company generally has no longer a legal cause of action against a management board member.
The effect of a discharge is limited. A discharge does not …
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The UNCITRAL Model Law is applicable
Parties with a legal dispute can turn to the public court system to settle the dispute; however, instead of bringing a lawsuit in a public court, they can also opt for arbitration. Arbitration is a form of private dispute settlement in which the parties instruct one or more persons (arbitrators) to render a binding decision on their dispute. The arbitrators may be jurists, but they can also be laypersons. People with specific expertise or experience in a certain branch or industry are often chosen as arbitrator.
Parties can include a so-called arbitration clause in …
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Een voorspoedig Nieuwjaar
Un Próspero aña nobo
A Prosperous new year
Un próspero Año Nuevo
Makes me smile…
The image that people have of lawyers is usually determined by coincidences. This may be a personal experience with their own lawyer or that of the counterparty. But even more will the image be determined by the relatively small group of lawyers who get publicity.
A. Pitlo (Evolutie in het privaatrecht, [Evolution in private law] Groningen: H.D. Tjeenk Willink 1972, p. 102) speaks with regard to certain lawyers about the ‘half-intellect’ that by intellectualism must succeed in being kept up towards the masses. Publications that are extremely critical of lawyers can date from any time and the first …
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Three different personas during testimony
There are matters to consider before you enter a courtroom as plaintiff, defendant or witness: for instance, what you say, your body language, how you present yourself and what you wear. The judge will be watching you. You don’t believe me? Read for yourself!
The judge about the defendant:
Murdock tried out three different personas during his testimony. During his deposition, he showed the true force of his domineering personality. During the first day of trial, Murdock tried to appear more reasonable and conciliatory on direct, but on cross-examination, he could not resist being combative. He denied …
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Trust and Estate Practitioner
The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) was founded in 1991 by George Tasker as a hub for local forums of practitioners. STEP is the international professional body for those who work in the trust industry and the (often overlapping) field of estate administration. Its members are mainly solicitors, barristers, attorneys, accountants, trust officers and trust administrators as well as banking and insurance professionals in the trust field.
The main focus of the organization is to administer the examination process to ensure the quality of the membership, to provide educational and networking opportunities …
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Symposium Sint Maarten 1 december 2015
Het Ministerie van Justitie te Sint Maarten en de Orde van Advocaten te Sint Maarten hebben op 1 december 2015 een symposium over Boek 2 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek van Sint Maarten georganiseerd.
De sprekers waren Peter van Schilfgaarde, Gerard van Solinge, mr. Jeroen Eichhorn en ikzelf. Mijn bijdrage ging over bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid. De tekst van mijn bijdrage is hier te vinden. Wat ik over het recht van St. Maarten te melden heb geldt ook voor Aruba, Curacao en de BES-eilanden.
Karel Frielink
(3 december 2015)