12 September 1989 – 12 September 2019
On 12 September 1989, Mr. Karel Frielink appeared at a public hearing of the District Court of Amsterdam. On the Public Prosecutor’s demand, he made the pledge necessary to become an attorney.
And then suddenly, I was an attorney. I can’t get rid of my past of course. But as long as I myself have the feeling that I can achieve something positive with this profession (also), I will continue to practice it.
30 jaar advocaat
Op 12 september 1989 verscheen ter openbare terechtzitting van de Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam, de heer Karel Frielink, die op …
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Speech Mr. Karel Frielink – Dean of the Corps Consulaire Curaçao
Ladies & Gentlemen. Good evening and welcome!
On behalf of the Corps Consulaire Curaçao, it is an honor to address you all on the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Corps Consulaire Curaçao.
On the 22nd of April 1944, during World War II, a consular star was born. Not much is known about the first decades of the Corps.
What we do know however, is that at the very start of WW II, several Dutch consuls and consuls of other countries such as France, Lithuania and Poland, issued …
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Recognition is usually not a problem
In the absence of an applicable treaty between foreign countries and the Dutch Caribbean, a judgment rendered by an international court from a country without a treaty will not be enforced by the courts of any Dutch Caribbean countries. In order to obtain a judgment which is enforceable in the Dutch Caribbean, the claim must be re-litigated before the court being sought to enforce the judgment.
Nevertheless, a judgment rendered by an international court without a treaty will, under current practice, be recognized by a Dutch Caribbean court:
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Eindverslag Raad van Commissarissen Insel Air International B.V.
Auteur: Karel Frielink Datum: 26 februari 2019 Aanleiding: faillissement Insel Air International B.V.
Dit verslag is op persoonlijke titel geschreven, aangezien ik het enige overgebleven lid van de Raad van Commissarissen ben. Aangezien voor de Raad van Commissarissen geen bijzondere taak meer is weggelegd, zal ik mij als eerder aangekondigd op 1 maart 2019 bij de Kamer van Koophandel laten uitschrijven.
Op 14 maart 2017 heeft het Gerecht te Curaçao voorlopige surseance van betaling verleend aan Insel Air International B.V. met benoeming van mr. P.E. de Kort tot rechter-commissaris en …
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Karel Frielink ranked Band 1 for the 10th time
Once again, I have been selected as a ranked lawyer in Chambers Global 2019 identifying me as one of the best lawyers in the Dutch Caribbean.
The Chambers Guides have been ranking the best law firms and lawyers since 1990, and now covers over 190 jurisdictions throughout the world. Chambers ranks lawyers and law firms on several factors and considerations, all …
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Correspondence between attorneys may not be submitted in court
The Code of Conduct for Attorneys (Lawyers) in Curacao, as well as those in Aruba, St. Maarten and the BES-islands, contain some specific rules regarding correspondence between attorneys.
Rule 18 of the Code of Conduct
The content of letters and other communications from one attorney at law to another may not be invoked in court, according to Rule 18 of the Code of Conduct for Attorneys at Law in Curacao. Submission of correspondence between attorneys (or mentioning the contents thereof) is only permitted if the client’s interest so requires, but not until …
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Was die Niederländer können, können auch die Deutschen. Stimmt’s?
Diese Woche besuchen der niederländische Premierminister Mark Rutte und zahlreiche niederländische Unternehmer Curacao zum Bon Bini for Business Summit.
Dies ist eine großartige Initiative, bei der die Regierung von Curacao unter der Leitung von Premierminister Eugene Rhuggenaath und die niederländische Regierung eng zusammenarbeiten, um die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu stärken und Möglichkeiten für Investitionen in Curacao zu schaffen.
Wie in der Vorankündigung zu lesen ist, hat Curacao einen lokalen Markt mit 160.000 Einwohnern und verzeichnet über eine Million Besucher pro Jahr. Vielversprechende Sektoren in Curaçao sind Tourismus, Logistik, Öl, erneuerbare Energien, Finanzdienstleistungen und …
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Curacao starts 2019 optimistically
This week, the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, and numerous Dutch entrepreneurs visit Curacao for the Bon Bini for Business Summit.
This is a great initiative in which the government of Curacao, led by Prime Minister Eugene Rhuggenaath, and the Dutch government work closely together to strengthen economic ties and create opportunities for investment in Curacao.
As can be read in the pre-announcement, Curacao has a local market of 160,000 inhabitants and receives over a million visitors per year. Promising sectors in Curaçao are tourism, logistics, oil, sustainable energy, financial services and ICT. The tourist product …
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Curacao begint 2019 optimistisch
Deze week bezoeken de Nederlandse Minister-President, Mark Rutte, en tal van Nederlandse ondernemers Curaçao voor de Bon Bini for Business Summit.
Dit is een mooi initiatief waarbij de regering van Curaçao, onder leiding van Minister-President Eugene Rhuggenaath, en de Nedelandse regering nauw samenwerken om de economische banden te versterken en kansen te creëren voor investeringen in Curaçao.
Zoals in de vooraankondiging al valt te lezen, heeft Curaçao een lokale markt van 160.000 inwoners en ontvangt ruim een miljoen bezoekers per jaar. Kansrijke sectoren in Curaçao zijn toerisme, logistiek, olie, duurzame energie, financiële dienstverlening …
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No policy freedom when bound by rules
Some years ago, I wrote about conflicts of interest in insolvency law matters (Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 4/2001, p. 115-123). I then wrote that the special characteristics of the task of a bankruptcy trustee imply that his personal liability, if any, must be assessed against a standard of due care that is geared to this. This standard boils down to the fact that a trustee should act as may reasonably be required of a trustee with sufficient insight and experience who performs his task with accuracy and dedication (HR 19 April 1996, ECLI:NL:HR:1996:ZC2047 concerning …
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Speech by Mr. Karel Frielink – Dean of the Consular Corps of Curaçao
United Nations Day – 24 October 2018
Your Excellency, the Governor of Curaçao, Mrs. Lucille George-Wout
The vice Prime Minister of Curaçao and Minister of Health, Environment and Nature, Mrs. Suzy Camelia-Römer
The President of Parliament, Mr. William Millerson
The Minister of Social Development, Mr. Hensley Koeiman
The Commander of the Armed Forces on Curaçao, Brigadier General De Vin
The representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Curaçao, Mr. Raynel Martis
The Secretary General of the National Commission to UNESCO, Mrs. Marva Browne
The …
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Acts can be committed both by natural persons and by legal entities
Under Dutch Caribbean criminal law, criminal acts can be committed both by natural persons and by legal entities, for instance, limited liability companies and foundations, and can take part in the crime in a variety of roles incurring liability, including, perpetrators, co-perpetrators or accomplices. As far as legal entities are concerned, criminal liability may arise for: (i) employees of a legal entity, (ii) the legal entity itself, and (iii) those directors or managers of the legal entity of whom it can be proven that they have directed or …
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