A three-part distinction
With regard to liability a three-part distinction can be made. The first distinction relates to the basis of the liability: liability pursuant to a contractual relationship (the attributable failure in this respect) and liability pursuant to a wrongful act.
Another distinction relates to the personal liability (thus for the party’s own actions or omissions) and vicarious and/or strict liability: liability for or the acts and omissions of others (vicarious liability) or liability for certain things that happen (strict liability).
For example, employers can be held vicariously liable for certain actions of their employees. According to the Curacao …
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Prudential supervision
The Curacao regulatory legislation applicable to credit institutions provides for requirements with regard to the prudential supervision in general. Such prudential supervision sees to the liquidity and solvency position of a bank without going into further detail for instance as to the safekeeping of assets or maintaining of accounts of third parties.
The Curacao legislation provides for reporting requirements that need to be submitted to the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten (CBCS). However, these requirements apply only to banks regulated in Curacao.
On the basis of such reports and accounts the CBCS has the authority to …
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Statutory requirements applicable to the organizational and legal structure
The National Ordinance on the Supervision of Investment Institutions and Administators (Landsverordening regelende het toezicht op beleggingsinstellingen en administrateurs; NOSIIA) provides for a regime of supervision for investment institutions and administrators with the objective of an adequate operation of the financial markets and the protection of investors in such markets.
With regard to the business operation of a local fund that operates within the scope of the NOSIIA it provides for requirements applicable to the organizational and legal structure as expressed in the fund’s constitutive documents. Such requirements address the conditions …
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22, 23 en 24 oktober 2012
Het ondernemingsrecht is continu in beweging. Hier bij ons in Curacao, maar ook in Nederland. Boek 2 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek Curacao is op 1 januari 2012 op tal van punten gewijzigd. Wat houden deze wijzigingen precies in? Wat betekent de invoering van de Flex-BV in Nederland per 1 oktober 2012 voor Curacao?
Denk wat Curacao betreft bijvoorbeeld ook aan de invoering van een integrale regeling inzake het enqueterecht per 1 januari 2012. Het is nu mogelijk om het Hof van Justitie een of meer onderzoekers te laten benoemen om onderzoek naar (vermeend) wanbeleid …
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No deed required
Under the laws of the Dutch Caribbean (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, St. Maarten) transferring the title of bearer bonds (i.e. bonds which are owned by whoever is holding them, rather than having a registered owner) does not require a transfer deed. In other words: such a bond is transferred by surrendering the original document. The transfer of ownership is thus accomplished simply by the transfer of said document.
Under Dutch Caribbean international private law, the general rule is that the ‘lex rei sitae’ determines who holds legal title to movable assets (such as bearer bonds) and whether and …
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Banking business abroad
Credit institutions (banks) in Curacao are subject to the National Ordinance on the Supervision of Banking and Credit Institutions 1994 (the NOSB). The NOSB makes a distinction between ‘credit institutions’ and ‘international credit institutions’. The NOSB defines a credit institution as an institution that to an important extent makes its business of:
An ‘international credit institution’ is defined as a credit …
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Information for foreign plaintiffs
Are there any particular issues that concern foreign plaintiffs in Curacao? If proceedings on the merits are initiated by a non-resident plaintiff, the defendant may ask the court to order that the plaintiff provide security for damages, costs and interest which it might be liable to pay as a result of the judgment in aforementioned proceedings. This ‘cautio judicatum solvi’ does not apply if there is a Convention (Treaty) on legal proceedings between Curacao and the plaintiff’s country.
Can attorney costs for legal proceedings be recovered? Generally speaking, each party has to bear its own attorney …
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Liability for thin-capitalization?
A shareholder is not personally liable for acts performed in the name of the company and is not liable to contribute to losses of the company in excess of the amount which he must pay to the company as contribution for his shares.
In terms of ‘piercing the corporate veil’, thin or inadequate capitalization usually means capitalization that is not in proportion to the nature of the risks the business of the corporation necessarily entails; in other words it is based on likely economic needs rather than legal requirements. In almost all jurisdictions, undercapitalization as such is …
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Acting in the best interests of the company
Although not explicitly provided for in Book 2 of the Civil Code of Curacao (“CCC”), it is considered a general rule of corporate law that the management board (a.k.a. board of directors) must act in the best interests of the company (an NV or BV) in the performance of its duties, even when acting on instructions from others (e.g. shareholders). This includes the interests of the shareholders, the employees and, according to most legal writers, the creditors of the company.
The management board also has a duty to account to the general …
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Who do we have to thank for the conservatorship?
Recently, a lot has been written and said about the fact that Curacao is under some kind of conservatorship (or guardianship). In this case conservatorship means something like: not being allowed to take your own (financial) decisions without the approval of a supervisor. How could it have come this far?
In the run-up to the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles a debt restructuring program was extensively discussed and negotiated. At the time, there was a debt of several billions. Eventually, the Netherlands was prepared to provide several billions, so Curacao and St …
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Ombudsman reports are taken seriously
An Ombudsman determines whether a complaint is justified or not. If the Ombudsman finds that a complaint is justified or has merit, he may decide to try and persuade the government or government agency to change its policy or decision. This topic, however, is about an Ombudsman report resulting from a complaint primarily filed to establish whether there were sufficient grounds to initiate legal proceedings in a regular court. A lawyer and his client may decide to submit the Ombudsman report to the court, in the course of proceedings, as evidence that supports the client’s …
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Ombudsman beneficial to lawyers and their clients?
In several jurisdictions the law provides that, with certain exceptions, a statement made or an answer given by a person during an investigation by the Ombudsman, and a report or recommendation of the Ombudsman, is inadmissible in evidence in a court or in any other proceeding.
As far as legal proceedings in the Dutch Caribbean are concerned, our laws do not prohibit an Ombudsman’s report from being introduced into a civil lawsuit. Based on an Ombudsman’s report one may report a case to the police or the public prosecutor’s office. It should be …
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