Entered into force on 1 January 2012
On January 1st 2012, new legalization entered into force pursuant to which it is now possible to set up a trust, similar to the trust in Anglo-Saxon common law jurisdictions, in Curacao. This trust is a legal exception to the paritas creditorum rule as we know it and serves as an important instrument which could be used for asset segregation purposes.
With the introduction of the Curacao Trust and the new paragraph 3 to section 231 of Book 3 of the Curacao Civil Code the need for a parallel debt construction in the …
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Interesting editorial in The Daily Herald (St. Maarten)
“The visit of German ambassador Heinz-Peter Behr last week should serve as an eye-opener on the largely untapped possibilities that European market offers. Up to now much of the attention regarding the “Old Continent” understandably regards the Netherlands and France from which “The Friendly Island” also has direct airlift, but Germany as Europe’s economic powerhouse and surrounding nations hold great tourism potential.
Curacao managed to attract Air Berlin flights recently and already has noticed a marked increase in the number of visitors from that part of the …
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The Joint Court is the forum of choice for corporate disputes
As per January 1, 2012 the amended Corporate Code (Book 2 Civil Code) of Curacao entered into force. The new legislation introduces a so-called inquiry procedure for, amongst others, limited liability companies. The inquiry procedure (a.k.a. investigation proceedings) can result in a court ordered investigation into the affairs of a corporation.
Shareholders of such a corporation (i.e. an NV or BV) may file a petition with the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten, and of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (the ‘Joint Court’). Pursuant to …
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What a year!
This will be my final posting for 2011. What a year. It feels as if the whole world has changed more rapidly than ever before and not only as a result of the Arabic Spring and the economic turmoil.
The year 2012 is about to begin and it won’t be an easy year. Many will suffer from the crisis and many will keep suffering from oppression, diseases and natural disasters. There still will be tensions between countries and populations. There still will be war. However, new faces and new voices in the political arena may change things …
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Letter to the editor of The Daily Herald
Dear Editor,
According to Leroy de Weever (DP), he doesn’t need a Corporate Governance Council to come tell him how to do his job. He wants to disband the Corporate Governance Council as soon as possible.
Corporate governance rules were designed to protect companies from politicians, in particular from the government. Government-owned companies should be kept out of the political sphere as much as possible, so that they may benefit from commercial, businesslike and market-oriented management. In doing so, they also run less of a risk of being milked …
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Full review of the case
Appellate proceedings in the Dutch Caribbean provide for a full review of the appealed decision: the grounds on which the Appellate Court can reverse the original judgment are not, as in certain other jurisdictions, limited to procedural matters. It is furthermore permissible to introduce new documentary evidence in the course of appellate proceedings. If the appealed judgment contains a final decision as regards the dispute the Appellate Court will either confirm the judgment or it will itself render a replacing decision: the case will not be referred back to the Court of First Instance.
Furthermore, …
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Van de woorden die hier op Curacao veel worden gebruikt behoren ‘integriteit’ en ‘respect’ ongetwijfeld tot de toppers. Over integriteit wil ik vandaag niets zeggen. Maar wel over het begrip ‘respect’.
Er zijn veel gevallen waarin van ons respect wordt verlangd: respect voor het leven, respect voor een taal, cultuur of mening, respect voor de medemens, respect voor de rechter, juf of meester, respect voor dieren, respect voor eigendommen van een ander, enzovoort.
Het begrip ‘respect’ heeft diverse betekenissen:
Aanzien Gevoel van bewondering Ontzag Eerbied Waardering
Tegen de achtergrond van deze betekenissen dringt zich …
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Different insurance contracts
According to the SOSIB a “life insurance agreement” is an insurance contract concerning the payment of cash benefits related to the life or death of man, and a “general insurance contract” is an insurance contract, other than a life insurance contract.
Generally, an insurance contract is understood to be an agreement whereby an insurer commits itself to the insured, against receipt of a premium, to compensate the latter for a loss, damage or loss of expected advantage which the insured could suffer as a result of an uncertain event.
There is no existing case-law or regulatory directive …
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The Central Bank of Aruba is the regulator
The Central Bank of Aruba supervises insurers incorporated in Aruba and the branches and agencies in Aruba of insurers incorporated outside Aruba based on the State Ordinance on the Supervision of the Insurance Business (SOSIB).
The SOSIB, effective since 2001, stipulates that life and non-life insurance business must be carried out by separate legal entities. The Central Bank of Aruba shall decide whether an action or a combination of actions does or does not constitute as being engaged in the life insurance business or the general insurance business, and whether an action …
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A license is required
According to Section 4 of the Aruba State Ordinance on the Supervision of the Credit System 1998 (SOSC), no enterprise or institution established in Aruba shall pursue the business of a credit institution unless it has obtained authorization to that end from the Central Bank. No enterprise or institution established outside Aruba shall pursue the business of a credit institution through a branch in Aruba, unless it has obtained authorization from the Central Bank to do so (Section 24(1) SOSC).
A “credit institution” under the SOSC means an enterprise or institution, not being an institution established …
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Papiamentu proverbs with English translation This book is a tribute to the colourful Papiamentu language. A language spoken by only 260.000 people on three islands of the former Dutch Antilles; Bonaire, Curacao and Aruba. Although this language is only spoken in a small region, this collection of proverbs shows how by use of creativity, humour and love the Papiamentu language managed to develop and maintain itself. In December 2010 an old, no longer available book by Father Paul Brenneker (1912-1996) came to the attention of Jacqueline Bremmers and Bart Landheer. They decided to try and preserve this heritage. After gaining …
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The Curacao Civil Code provides for a simplified merger procedure
The acquisition of a business enterprise may take place through the purchase of shares (take-over), the purchase of assets and liabilities or a legal / statutory merger. The Curacao Legal Code on corporate and other legal persons contains detailed provisions for mergers of companies limited by shares (NV) and private limited companies (BV).
Basically, a legal merger entails the absorption of one legal entity by another in exchange for shares, or even without such exchange. The absorbed entity ceases to exist. A legal merger requires a notarial deed. Legal mergers …
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