Karel Frielink ranked Band 1 for the 12th time
Once again, I have been selected as a ranked lawyer in Chambers Global 2021 identifying me as one of the best lawyers in the Dutch Caribbean.
The Chambers Guides have been ranking the best law firms and lawyers since 1990, and now covers over 190 jurisdictions throughout the world. Chambers ranks lawyers and law firms on several factors and considerations, all of which are investigated by their large team of more than 200 researchers. Today, Chambers and Partners released the 2021 edition, also covering the Dutch Caribbean.
Chambers and Partners: “Karel …
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MIJN BOEKEN 2017 – 2020
Law books written by me 2017 – 2020 (in Dutch)
2017 – A concise understanding of Dutch Caribbean corporate law
2020 – Case-law directors’ liability Dutch Caribbean corporate law
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2020 was een productief jaar
Hieronder volgt een lijst met wetenschappelijke publicaties van mijn hand en een overzicht van de door mij gegeven cursussen.
K. Frielink, noot bij Hoge Raad 30 maart 2018, in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker & M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch Vermogensrecht Geannoteerd, Den Haag: Bju 2020, nr. 22 (Van Nieuwburg/TMF).
K. Frielink, noot bij Hoge Raad 24 mei 2019, in: M.V.R. Snel, P.S. Bakker & M.A. Loth (red.), Caribisch Vermogensrecht Geannoteerd, Den Haag: Bju 2020, nr. 25 (Federacion di Trahadornan di Aruba/Exi-Gaming Executive Island Gaming Management).
K. Frielink, Rechtspraak Bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid Nederlands Caribisch Rechtspersonenrecht, Deventer: Wolters Kluwer …
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New ordinances and rules to be introduced in 2021
In Curacao and St. Maarten major changes are in the pipeline when it comes to regulatory legislation. In July 2020, the Central Bank (CBCS) launched a consultation round on the draft of three national ordinances and a regulation containing generally binding rules. The first draft concerns the supervision of payment service providers. In order to increase confidence in digital payment services, the draft provides for licensing requirements, substantive rules, oversight of systems, and enforcement and supervision by the CBCS. Promoting a better and more trusted market for card payments, Internet payments …
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Nederlands en Nederlands Caribisch Rechtspersonenrecht
Deze bundel bevat rechtspraak inzake bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid. Naast bekende uitspraken van de Hoge Raad is er ook ruim aandacht voor (niet-gepubliceerde) rechterlijke uitspraken uit de Caribische delen van het Koninkrijk. De uitspraken zijn deels van commentaar voorzien, en waar dat nuttig leek zijn in noten verwijzingen naar literatuur en andere rechtspraak geplaatst.
De bundel is primair samengesteld voor rechtenstudenten en praktijkjuristen in de Caribische delen van het Koninkrijk om in een leemte te voorzien. Omdat de normen waaraan bestuurlijk handelen en nalaten wordt getoetst binnen het Koninkrijk materieel gelijk zijn, is deze bundel ook interessant voor …
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Celebrating 15 years of sharing knowledge
June 1st, 2020 marks the 15th anniversary of my legal blog. This is an important milestone for me. Back in May 2005 I only had a rough idea about blogging and what it would take to create a successful legal blog.
Now, fifteen years and well over a million page views and a countless number of comments later, I know that despite the tiny size of the Dutch Caribbean islands, it is worthwhile providing legal-oriented content on the web on a regular basis. If the regular messages I receive from so many readers …
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Never a dull moment
In St. Maarten there is again a lot of discussion about political developments, but also about constitutional law. I will answer some frequently asked questions here. Of course, I didn’t come up with all the answers myself. At the bottom of this text the most important source is mentioned.
Can parliament fall? Can parliament have an outgoing status? The answer is no. If parliament is dissolved, it remains fully empowered. The dissolution becomes effective on the date on which the newly elected parliament meets (Section 59(3) Constitution). Professor Van Rijn and professor Rogier are also of …
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12 September 1989 – 12 September 2019
On 12 September 1989, Mr. Karel Frielink appeared at a public hearing of the District Court of Amsterdam. On the Public Prosecutor’s demand, he made the pledge necessary to become an attorney.
And then suddenly, I was an attorney. I can’t get rid of my past of course. But as long as I myself have the feeling that I can achieve something positive with this profession (also), I will continue to practice it.
30 jaar advocaat
Op 12 september 1989 verscheen ter openbare terechtzitting van de Arrondissementsrechtbank Amsterdam, de heer Karel Frielink, die op …
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Recognition is usually not a problem
In the absence of an applicable treaty between foreign countries and the Dutch Caribbean, a judgment rendered by an international court from a country without a treaty will not be enforced by the courts of any Dutch Caribbean countries. In order to obtain a judgment which is enforceable in the Dutch Caribbean, the claim must be re-litigated before the court being sought to enforce the judgment.
Nevertheless, a judgment rendered by an international court without a treaty will, under current practice, be recognized by a Dutch Caribbean court:
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Correspondence between attorneys may not be submitted in court
The Code of Conduct for Attorneys (Lawyers) in Curacao, as well as those in Aruba, St. Maarten and the BES-islands, contain some specific rules regarding correspondence between attorneys.
Rule 18 of the Code of Conduct
The content of letters and other communications from one attorney at law to another may not be invoked in court, according to Rule 18 of the Code of Conduct for Attorneys at Law in Curacao. Submission of correspondence between attorneys (or mentioning the contents thereof) is only permitted if the client’s interest so requires, but not until …
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No policy freedom when bound by rules
Some years ago, I wrote about conflicts of interest in insolvency law matters (Tijdschrift voor Insolventierecht 4/2001, p. 115-123). I then wrote that the special characteristics of the task of a bankruptcy trustee imply that his personal liability, if any, must be assessed against a standard of due care that is geared to this. This standard boils down to the fact that a trustee should act as may reasonably be required of a trustee with sufficient insight and experience who performs his task with accuracy and dedication (HR 19 April 1996, ECLI:NL:HR:1996:ZC2047 concerning …
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Acts can be committed both by natural persons and by legal entities
Under Dutch Caribbean criminal law, criminal acts can be committed both by natural persons and by legal entities, for instance, limited liability companies and foundations, and can take part in the crime in a variety of roles incurring liability, including, perpetrators, co-perpetrators or accomplices. As far as legal entities are concerned, criminal liability may arise for: (i) employees of a legal entity, (ii) the legal entity itself, and (iii) those directors or managers of the legal entity of whom it can be proven that they have directed or …
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